WordPress, blogging, and web publishing tips, techniques, and training.
Lorelle VanFossen is a keynote, trainer, writer, and consultant on web writing, web design, and blogging, especially working with WordPress. Called a blog evangelist, on Lorelle on WordPress she writes about everything WordPress, blogging, and social media, covering more than you may want to know about how all this blogging business and social stuff works.
Lorelle offers a variety of training programs on web publishing and the social web, traveling all over the world to work with a variety of businesses, schools, universities, associations, non-profits, and government agencies. She serves as a consultant to many small to medium businesses to help them blog efficiently and to get their message to their audience effectively.
Her passion for helping people “have their say” on the web is contagious, presenting inspiring and motivation presentations at events around the world including Blog World Expo, WordCamps from Israel to Holland to Texas to Canada, WebVisions, SOBCon, and more.